Let the Game Changer Challenge begin

The semifinalist teams for the virtual Game Changer Challenge 2020 have been announced.
From all corners of NSW 420 students will use their design thinking skills to explore tangible solutions for a real world wicked problem in the 2020 Game Changer Challenge.
Hundreds of applications from NSW public schools were received for the Game Changer Challenge, which this year will be delivered as a colossal virtual event with seven semifinals culminating in a grand final.
The 84 primary and secondary student teams will aim to solve the real world problem: “How might we use technology to bring everyone in our community closer together?”
The student applications covered COVID-19 restrictions, including innovative ways to social distance and sanitise, cutting-edge technology like aerial transport systems, and new ways to ease social isolation, combat racism and build community for people with disability.
Department of Education Secretary Mark Scott said today’s students will solve the great challenges of the

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